Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and several other anxiety disorders. It involves gradually exposing you to feared objects or thoughts (exposure) and preventing you from engaging in compulsive behaviors (response prevention) to reduce anxiety and improve you functioning.

Urban street scene featuring a yellow poster advocating mental health awareness.

What does ERP help with?

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): ERP is considered the gold standard treatment for OCD. It helps you gradually face your fears and reduce the compulsive behaviors you use to manage anxiety. This involves:

    • Exposure: Gradual exposure to thoughts, images, or situations that trigger obsessions in a controlled and systematic way.

    • Response Prevention: Resisting the urge to perform compulsive behaviors in response to the anxiety triggered by the exposure.

  • ERP can be used to treat other anxiety disorders, such as:

    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Facing worries and reducing reassurance-seeking behaviors.

    • Social Anxiety Disorder: Engaging in social situations that cause anxiety and refraining from avoiding them.

    • Panic Disorder: Exposure to physical sensations of anxiety and panic to reduce fear of those sensations.

    • Specific Phobias: Gradual exposure to the feared object or situation without engaging in avoidance behaviors.

Schedule Free Therapy Consultation Today

Dr. Denese has therapy openings in Massachusetts and New York.

If you are interested in therapy with Dr. Denese, please schedule a free 15-minute consultation call.

You can schedule this consultation by calling 617-800-9262 or by sending a message through the website form.