Dr. Denese is a psychologist in Massachusetts (MA) and New York (NY). She provides therapy for adults with anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, life transitions, perfectionism, OCD, and more.

Dr. Denese provides warm, compassionate, & goal-driven in-person and online therapy for adults, teens, and kids in Massachusetts & New York.

Headshot of smiling psychologist in professional attire.

About Dr. Denese

Dr. Nazia Denese is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and Massachusetts with about a decade of experience providing therapy to adults, teens, and kids with a variety of mental health challenges, especially anxiety, selective mutism, depression, oppositionality, and trauma.

Dr. Denese earned her Ph.D. at Columbia University. She is currently an Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School and Staff Psychologist at the Baker Center for Children and Families/Harvard Medical School.


  • generalized anxiety

  • depression

  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • perfectionism

  • life transitions

  • social anxiety

  • selective mutism

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • separation anxiety

  • specific phobia

  • attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • executive functioning

  • disruptive and oppositional behaviors

  • parenting challenges  


for adults, teens, & kids

Therapy office with desk and chairs for adults, teens, kids

Pictured above: Dr. Denese’s main office

At a Glance

  • individualized therapy for adults, teens, and kids

  • data-driven progress monitoring 

  • person-centered, evidence-based, and culturally competent therapy

  • collaboration with outside providers to maximize therapy effectiveness and encourage maintenance of progress post-graduation

Schedule Free Therapy Consultation Today

Dr. Denese has therapy openings in Massachusetts and New York.

If you are interested in therapy with Dr. Denese, please schedule a free 15-minute consultation call.

You can schedule this consultation by calling 617-800-9262 or by sending a message through the website form.